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Connection: Vol 1

July 2024

Connection is a series about the intricate yet transparent ties between nature and human existence. It examines the deep-rooted relationships and cycles that define both worlds, highlighting themes of rebirth and renewal. It reveals the elegant patterns of continuity and transformation, inviting viewers to appreciate the enduring connections that sustain us.


This series was created and is available exclusively on Sedition Art for streaming or for permanent purchase.

For more info click here or the button below.

Head in the Clouds

Head in the Clouds captures the essence of embracing emotions and the transformative power of solitude. It illustrates the journey of allowing oneself to fully experience all the feelings, highlighting how moments of introspection and alone time can lead to personal growth and blooming. It’s an invitation to find strength in your inner world and discover the beauty that emerges when you let yourself be.


Next reflects on the perpetual cycles of life, emphasizing the transient nature of all things. It’s about the idea that nothing is irreplaceable; everything eventually fades, making room for new beginnings. It’s about the inevitability of change and the continuous flow of renewal, about the beauty and resilience found in life's ever-evolving journey.


Lilac explores the surprising and unexpected links that weave through life, celebrating the beauty of existence's unpredictability. It’s about complex and often unseen relationships that bind different elements of our world together. It reminds us to appreciate the wonder of these spontaneous connections and the rich tapestry of experiences they create.

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